Eclipse Megamovie 2024 (EM2024) is similar to its predecessor in 2017, which was also organized by Dr. Laura Peticolas (Sonoma State University) and Dr. Juan Carlos Martinez Oliveros (UC Berkeley). EM2017 recruited hundreds of citizen scientists who submitted tens of thousands of photos of the 2017 total solar eclipse. Their work aided efforts to study the Sun's corona--something we can only study during total solar eclipses. Within these pictures, a plasma plume was identified, and it is this phenomenon that we hope to study more extensively following the 2024 total solar eclipse. Not only will the research and data collection method improve with this grant, the EM team will also be able to do more with the data collected in 2017.
Following the April 8, 2024, total solar eclipse, more than 145 volunteers uploaded over 1 terabyte of photographs. The next stage of this project is to check to ensure that the metadata in the photographs are accurate (based on feedback from the volunteers who took the photographs), and then we will begin the scientific analysis in earnest.
Additionally, we hosted a Kaggle Competition from October through the beginning of December that gave participants a chance to design a machine that automatically identifies and/or aligns photographs from the August 2017 total solar eclipse. This competition and all who participated will aid in the alignment and analysis of the April 2024 dataset.

Scientific Goals
Eclipse Megamovie 2024 (EM2024) is funded by NASA to discover the secret lives of solar jets and plumes. Many jets and plumes seem to disappear or change from the time they are formed on the Sun and when they move out into the solar wind. To learn more about these solar phenomena, we will use photographs taken by volunteers to identify solar jets as they leave the Sun's surface and solar plumes as they grow and develop. We aim for our research efforts to provide some clues or answers to this question.
What is a Solar Jet?
A solar jet, or solar spicule, is a transient, jet-like feature in the Sun's atmosphere. They are narrow streams of plasma that erupt from the solar surface, reaching high speeds and extending thousands of kilometers into the corona. Solar jets are relatively small and short-lived, lasting only a few minutes. They are thought to be caused by magnetic reconnection, a process where intersecting magnetic field lines rearrange and release energy. These jets are important for understanding solar phenomena, as they contribute to heating the solar corona and accelerating the solar wind. They are also significant in the study of space weather, which can impact satellite and communication systems on Earth. Solar jets are typically observed using space-based solar observatories.

Expected Scientific Discoveries
The Eclipse Megamovie Project aims to add a new dimension to our existing studies of the Sun’s faint atmosphere, the inner corona. By stitching together thousands of images taken along the path of the 2017 total solar eclipse, we have already created a unique treasure-trove of information on how the corona changes over time. Radio-wave studies have allowed us to closely observe very rapid variations of the corona, but now we expect to study such processes directly using visible light and thus enrich our knowledge of the Sun’s dynamic atmosphere considerably. The data gathered from the 2024 total solar eclipse will be made available publicly via the Data and Attribution page, and are expected to allow scientists to analyze the Sun’s corona for many years to come. This will show how the Sun changes over a few hours, but also how it’s different after a period of seven years. The high-resolution processed images may also be shared with fellow solar eclipse researchers to incorporate into their own endeavors if desired, such as the work published by Pasachoff and Rušin in 2022 to understand the evolution of magnetic fields.
Who participated in 2017?
Photos contributed to this project were submitted by many dedicated volunteers. The images included in the Megamovie were provided by the Megamovie Photo Team, a special group of over a thousand volunteers who signed up in advance and helped test the project ahead of time. Thank you to all who participated!

Who participated in 2024?
Photos contributed to this project were submitted by hundreds of volunteers from many different states across the path of totality. We have information for everyone who uploaded photographs on the data and attribution page. When the dataset is made available to the public, links to it will be found there.
What is different about this project?
EM2017’s goal was to create a movie with photographs taken by citizen scientists all over the US along the path of totality enabling a deeper study of the Sun’s corona. EM2024 adds to this while also helping us understand more about plasma plumes and solar jets. We have hosted a Kaggle Competition, calling for aid from machine learning coders and other citizen scientists to help with image sorting. Kaggle Community Competitions are designed to provide challenges for competitors at all stages of their machine learning careers.